A fortnight after they should’ve but didn’t, Nick and Alastair cover Jordan Peele’s Us, a new horror movie about secret evil duplicates and scissors.
But first, Nick’s lurked in more conventional horror territory with The Walking Dead, while Alastair’s seen Hanna, Amazon’s latest film-into-series adaptation.
And then it’s time to cover Us (10:51), beginning above ground in the sunlight, and then descending into the dark spoiler tunnels around 21:02.
Lastly, they take this movie’s strange final act as a chance to ask: what makes a good horror movie ending? (30:39)
And yes, it’s about endings so there are more spoilers for Us in the question section, along with a few ending-details for such films as Scream, Dog Soldiers, Psycho, The Witch, Rosemary’s Baby, Cabin In The Woods, Don’t Look Now… basically if you’re behind on horror movies and care about being surprised, maybe skip that bit. Fair warning.
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