This fortnight, Nick and Alastair ascend to the heavenly heights of Good Omens 2, then plunge into the dirty underworld of spies in Old Dog.
But first, Nick’s still listening to bands from his teens with the new Hives album The Death of Randy Fitzsimmons, while Alastair’s seen The Last Waltz outside the Barbican. (With a cameo from Nick’s Barbie opinions.)
And then they ascend to the afterlife and bicker like an old married couple with Good Omens 2 (12:27, including full ending spoilers from 23:01), testing the very limits of hot actor chemistry.
Lastly, time to go underground with Old Dog (29:55), the new spy-fi comic from Declan Shalvey, but don’t worry, there’s no risk of our heroes learning any new tricks.
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