orphanblackEpisode seven is here! If it seems like it’s come around pretty quickly, well, it wasn’t that long since last time. In this one, we’ve got a look at the BBC America clonefest Orphan Black (2:56), upcoming indie sci-fi film Tourbillon (16:06) and our glorious final thoughts on Daredevil season 2 (29:05).

Then in our never-to-be-named recommendation feature (49:17), Alastair checks out early Aaron Sorkin comedy-drama series Sports Night for the first time. Can it overcome his bafflement at the strange rules/team names of American sport? (He’s a pretty big Sorkin fan, so odds are good.)

As ever, timestamps provided above if you want to skip a segment to avoid spoilers. The Daredevil segment is particularly full-fat with ending details, for those who haven’t seen season 2 yet.

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game-of-thrones-season-6-poster_1280.0d11Back to our usual deleted scenes after a couple of specially recorded EFV specials – a clip cut from our Game of Thrones chat as we try to work out where some of our favourite lesser-seen characters have gone. What does Littlefinger mean to you?

Listen to the entire episode here, along with Civil War, Better Call Saul and Blue Velvet action!

CW-RUNWe are back with the second part of our specially recorded Captain America: Civil War spoilers side-chat – the first is here if you missed it – and as before we’re doing full maximum ruination from the very start so don’t listen if you don’t want to know. This time, we’re digging into the niggly details of the villain’s masterplan, the final fate of Bucky and what the ending means for the main Avengers characters and film franchise going forward. And then we drift so far off-topic that we are left with no choice but to terminate the conversation.

If you want to hear our full, slightly less spoiler-tastic review of Civil War, alongside Game of Thrones, Better Call Saul, Doctor Who and Blue Velvet, go here to get MFV #6.

Captain+America-+Civil+WarIt’s our first ever specially recorded Excessive Fantasy Violence special, so we can discuss Captain America: Civil War with full total spoilers! Seriously, we start picking apart the ending about thirty seconds in. If you don’t want to know until you’ve seen it, don’t listen to this clip. (And we also kinda spoil the end of the original Civil War comic from years ago, just FYI.) In this first half, we discuss the final showdown, how much it’s okay to show in the trailer and Alastair attempts (briefly) to unpick the real geopolitical implications of the Sokovia Accords. The second half of this chat is also up now, click here!

If you enjoyed this snippet and want to hear our broader, less spoilery chat about the film (along with other stuff), our full review is in MFV #6, which you can get by clicking here.

captain-america-civil-war-trailers-clipsOur sixth episode is here, a few days late but overloaded with A-list geek franchises to compensate! We’ve got a brief chat about the new Doctor Who companion announcement (2:19), and then full-on segments for Captain America: Civil War (4:10), the Game of Thrones season 6 premiere (26:15) and the whole of Better Call Saul season 2 (37:08).

And then, in the forever-anonymous recommendation feature (47:48), we discuss Blue Velvet, the odd David Lynch mystery thriller suggested by Alastair. Plus a musical treat at the start and we establish the first rule of the MFV drinking game!

INEVITABLE NOTE ON SPOILERS: We attempted not to flat-out describe the plot points (especially the ending) of Captain America: Civil War, but we discuss it for just over twenty minutes, so inevitably stuff like the shape of the story and the role of certain characters leaks through. If you want to remain totally spoiler free, recommend not listening until you’ve seen it, or using the timestamps provided above to skip the segment.

An Excessive Fantasy Violence special should follow on this very website in the next few days – as soon as Nick has edited it – where we do discuss Civil War plot spoilers with reckless abandon. Follow us on Twitter at @MFVPodcast to be notified as soon as that happens.

Download the mp3 file here!

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punisher-bornREMINDER: MFV #6 is going to be a few days late so we can incorporate a Captain America: Civil War review. Sorry for your anguish, hopefully it’ll be worth it. The episode will likely be with you some time on Sunday.

As a small consolation prize, Nick has managed to carve out a record-breaking fourth deleted scene from MFV #5! And it’s Marvel related! Specifically, an extended chunk from our Punisher comics discussion. What do the team think of the mysterious narrator voice in Punisher: Born? Good idea? Bad idea? Too ambiguous or not ambiguous enough?

To hear the full Punisher: Born and From First To Last chat, click hear to get the full MFV #5 experience. (Also features The Witch, Serial and Her Story.)

ipad-806394_640Today’s offcut is from our Her Story piece. What took us so long to cover video games on MFV and why did we end up choosing an old-ish one that is more of an interactive video story? The answers and more, as we briefly discuss our technical limitations and the emergence of gaming as a storytelling medium. Now, if anyone fancies buying us both an X Box One so we can be more timely with new games, don’t hesitate to get in touch!

If you enjoyed this brief chunk, check out the full-length podcast it came from, where we review Her Story in full, as well as other things such as Serial and The Witch.

herstoryOne of the funnest things about the game Her Story is the opportunity to theorise about how the fragmented narrative fits together. Well, a quick Google shows us that it’s possible to keep going long after the gameplay finishes. Here’s a longer version of our chat from MFV #5 about fan theories and which are best. WARNING: MASSIVE SPOILERS, OBVIOUSLY.

If you want to hear the rest of our Her Story conversation, as well as The Witch, Serial and more, listen to the entire fifth episode here.

serial-logoA brief cut from our Serial season 2 chat where we step outside the actual content of those shows to talk about the general role of Serial in the Mainstream Podcast Revolution that’s totally happening. If you ever wanted some really vague (and unsurprising) details about how MFV is recorded, this is your clip.

And if you want to listen to the full podcast episode this extract was cut from, this is your link.

The WitchFive episodes in and Nick and Alastair are spanning mediums like a common HTML tag refusing to accept the results of his psychic reading.

So we’re taking in recent hit horror movie The Witch at 2:23 (plus Alastair’s problems with recent horror and Nick’s amusement at livestock), the second season of mega-podcast Serial at 17:08 (plus the natural excitement of murder and the dangers of doorstepping) and the BAFTA-winning video game Her Story at 32:23 (plus the fun of fragmented narratives and the truth about human nature).

BEWARE: plot spoilers in both The Witch and Her Story sections, though we flag the major ones shortly beforehand.

Lastly at 46:47, Nick recommended Alastair two Punisher books by Garth Ennis last episode – Punisher: Born and Punisher: From First To Last. This fortnight, we find out whether roaming the streets gunning down criminals is his sort of thing. Oh, and stick around after that for some hot info about MFV #6.

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