Way back in Moderate Fantasy Violence #1, Nick and Alastair covered a little film called Deadpool. And they’ve kept this up for so long that, yes, it’s time for the sequel!
But first of all – as briefly mentioned last time, their guest appearance on the And Then What? podcast is now up! Listen to Alastair talk about politics and film, Nick talk about weird crime and lovely hosts Amy & Becky dig into the drugs-and-organ-transplanting underworld. This was great fun to record and you should definitely check it out.
But back in the regular recommendations feature, Alastair’s seen Entebbe, a film that may or may not resemble Zero Dark Thirty, whereas Nick’s listening to The Weezer Bracket, a new podcast trying to find the worst Weezer song through a whole 64-item tournament bracket. There’s a lot of choice there.
And then they get into reviewing Deadpool 2 (11:04) – can it live up to the widely beloved original?
Last but not least, this week’s ultimate question – Are they any unmade sequels we’d like to actually see? (28:13)
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