cursed childIt’s our thirteenth episode! We’ve done this for a whole half-year! What better way to mark the occasion than a massive batch of trailers from San Diego Comic Con and the third Sharknado movie?

We’ve also got our first ever guest on the show – we’re talking about Harry Potter And The Cursed Child (6:47), Nick saw the play but Alastair didn’t. So booktuber and mega-Potter-fan Claire Rousseau is coming on to tell us her feelings. There’s a quick no-plot-details opinion-summary at the start, then anyone avoiding spoilers should jump to 46:35, where Nick and Alastair review Star Trek Beyond in the regular MFV way.

And finally, Nick recommends Alastair the video-game-folk-music of Rebecca Mayes (58:29). Is it his sort of thing, or are we headed for another Lebowski-esque clash?

If you enjoy Claire’s appearance, you can find her talking about books on YouTube here, or at or @ClaireRousseau on Twitter. Since the web allows it, we’ll also embed the first of the Harry Potter re-read videos briefly mentioned on the show.

If Nick’s persuaded you to try out that video game folk music, you can see Rebecca Mayes’ videos for these songs on The Escapist here, or just cut straight to buying the albums here. You can also check out her more recent material as Boe Huntress on her Bandcamp page.

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